The Ministry of Women, Gender and diversity during Alberto Fernadez's government. From "Volvimos Mujeres to the rigors of the political crisis

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Paula Canelo
Gonzalo Duarte Avalos


The article analyzes the case of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, created in 2019 in Argentina. The text evaluates the descriptive representation of women in the cabinet of President Alberto Fernández in general and in this portfolio in particular, and examines how such representation was affected by the defeat in the 2021 legislative elections, which deepened on the instability of the government coalition and led to significant changes in the cabinet. These changes were marked by a reorientation of political agreements that prioritized the territorial power of the governors, displacing the feminist agenda and modifying the initial political balances. Finally, the article warns about the importance of analyzing not only the level of descriptive representation of women and diversities (how many occupy high government positions), but also their substantive representation, that is, to what extent their needs and agendas are translated into effective public policies.


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How to Cite
Canelo, P., & Duarte Avalos, G. (2023). The Ministry of Women, Gender and diversity during Alberto Fernadez’s government. From "Volvimos Mujeres to the rigors of the political crisis. Descentrada, 7(2), e215.
Intervenciones polémicas


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