When they wrote… Feminist readings in Argentine literature at the beginning of the 20th century
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The dossier Cuando ellas escribían… Lecturas feministas en la literatura argentina de inicios del siglo XX brings together a series of works that were presented at I Jornadas Transfeministas ¿Seguimos con el problema? Archivos, performances y narrativas, carried out on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2021. In this case, those articles that delve, from a feminist theoretical framework, into different aspects of female authorship in Argentine literature from the beginning of the 20th century were selected. The goal of this article of De Leone is to analyze a series of works on Argentine literature and gender by Sylvia Molloy and Tamara Kamenszain, who, in two different times, installed new ways of reading from a feminist perspective (the 90s and the present, respectively). Becerra firstly analyzes the positions of Angélica Mendoza and Herminia Brumana, in relation to women's rights and affective relationships as social problems, in Argentina of the the twenty's. In addition, she analyzes the issue of female emancipation, maternity, eroticism and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in areas of the work of each one of them. Charrúa analyzes on gender-sex deviations in the early work by Salvadora Medina Onrubia. Diz analyzes the scandal about Clara Beter in the Boedo´s group. At the time of the Boedo / Florida dispute, in the 1920s. The main idea is that the vision of gender that crossed the female writers was essential to Clara Beter episode.
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