Feminist Dilemmas: How to Talk About Gender-Based Violence in Relation to the MiddleEast?

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Nadje Al-Ali


The article charts my trajectories as a feminist activist/academic seeking to research, write and talk about gender-based violence in relation to the Middle East. More specifically, I am drawing on research and activism in relation to Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon to map the discursive, political and empirical challenges and complexities linked to scholarship and activism that is grounded in both feminist and anti-racist/anti-Islamophobic politics. While reflecting on my positionality, the article aims to challenge the binary of activism and academia as well as Western and Middle Eastern contexts in terms of knowledge production.


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Al-Ali, N. . (2022). Feminist Dilemmas: How to Talk About Gender-Based Violence in Relation to the MiddleEast?. Descentrada, 6(2), e186. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457284e186


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