Three comments on The Fantasy of Feminist History, by Joan Scott

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Juan Ignacio Veleda
Rosa E. Belvedresi
Adriana Valobra


These articles have a polyphonic character as they bring together three contributions written for the presentation of the book The Fantasy of Feminist History, by the American feminist historian Joan W. Scott. This book was translated into Spanish for the first time and published in March 2023 by Editorial Omnívora. The afore mentioned presentation took place on August 24, 2023, at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the National University of La Plata. There, Juan Ignacio Veleda provided an introduction to the work, and comments were made by Professor Rosa Belvedresi, entitled 'When Critical and Feminist History goes in Search of the Past”, and Professor Adriana Valobra, under the title 'Reverberations from the South of the South".


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Veleda, J. I., Belvedresi, R. E., & Valobra, A. (2024). Three comments on The Fantasy of Feminist History, by Joan Scott. Descentrada, 8(1), e229.


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