A narration of the cracks: queering Childhood in Mariana Docampo's novel V

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María José Punte


Mariana Docampo's work has developed from her first volume of short stories, Al borde del tapiz (2001), to her most recent novel, V (2017), following a trajectory that is punctuated by certain obsessions. Like the steps of tango that she masters so well, her texts make a figure that acquires volumes in space. These drifts make visible a queer cartography, or what Elisabeth Freeman calls an "erotocartography". Part of the estrangement produced by her texts, in which disconcerting concerns about contemporary scientific developments intersect with their possible cosmogonic and religious connections, may have to do with an infantile gaze, one that deforms what is narrated, not so much from the (dis)configuring role of remembrance, but from that which is twisted and may be rooted in childhood.


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Punte, M. J. (2020). A narration of the cracks: queering Childhood in Mariana Docampo’s novel V. Descentrada, 4(2), e117. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457284e117
Dossier: Literaturas y disidencias sexuales


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