Causes and effects of discrimination and gender violence in the university setting

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Vanesa Vazquez Laba
Mariana Palumbo


Symbolic violence is a common type of violence because it is naturalized by various members of the university community. The majority of symbolic violence is inflicted by male students against female students. However, male professors and members of the non-academic staff also engage in symbolic violence and social media harassment acts involving abuse of power. The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the causes and effects of symbolic gender violence experienced by male and female students at Universidad Nacional de San Martí­n, Argentina. The methodology used combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sources we utilized are, on one hand, the results of a survey developed and applied by the University of San Martin (UNSAM) to their students from different academic units; and, by the other hand, information regarding to denunciations and queries received by the Counseling for Gender and Sexuality Violence about facts of discrimination and gender violence suffered by students within the university context.


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How to Cite
Vazquez Laba, V., & Palumbo, M. (2019). Causes and effects of discrimination and gender violence in the university setting. Descentrada, 3(2), e093.


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