Gender quota and electoral systems: Argentina and Brazil in comparative perspective

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Joaquina Altamirano
Julieta Mulet


The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effective impact of gender quota laws in Argentina and Brazil vis-á-vis the purpose for which they were enacted, namely, to achieve an increase in female presence in Parliaments, taking into account the conditions in which such participation takes place, closely linked to the electoral systems of both countries. Conceiving the electoral system as a construction impacting on political dynamics is a first step to later consider the analysis of women’s participation and access to power spaces within our democracies. For this reason, different subdimensions of the system will evaluate, such as the suffrage, the conversion of votes into seats, the candidatures, the size and composition of the Assembly and the structure of legally established gender quotas. Three legislative electoral moments of each of the two countries will be considered: the elections prior to the enacting of the quota law, the elections immediately following the norm and the last elections.


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How to Cite
Altamirano, J., & Mulet, J. (2019). Gender quota and electoral systems: Argentina and Brazil in comparative perspective. Descentrada, 3(2), e092.


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Material Normativo

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