Femicide in discussion and out of discussion in a reading experience of ‘The Black Cat’ by Edgar Allan Poe in a high school literature class. An ethnographic perspective of an Araguaí­na’s High School (North of Brazil)

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Santiago Abel


The worldwide known short-story The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe is usually part of almost all high school literature programs. Despite of being a femicide tale, it has been historically read as a horror story. In this article, I analyze a reading experience of The Black Cat in a high school literature class, focusing on the voices who propose a reading where this murder is not silent. What is said, what isn’t said and what could be said. The ethnographic perspective allows us to think how these Brazilian students understand gender and sexuality by doing literature analysis.


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Abel, S. (2019). Femicide in discussion and out of discussion in a reading experience of ‘The Black Cat’ by Edgar Allan Poe in a high school literature class. An ethnographic perspective of an Araguaí­na’s High School (North of Brazil). Descentrada, 3(2), e091. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457284e091


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